Continuing on the theme of small enthusiastic businesses that may be affected negatively one way or another by the light bulb regulations:
To so-called "Progressive" political supporters this probably seem like a hankering after the Good Old Days, when it of course is simply a hankering after Choice!
Liking a lantern or old-fashioned bulb in some situations actually does not preclude liking LED panel lighting or whatever in other situations.
This seems amazingly hard to understand, by the detractors!
Turning from a lantern maker to a light bulb maker..
Bob Kyp, who died last year, was an inventor holding patents for radiometers as well as light bulbs. He had set up and run Kyp-Go, America's only carbon-filament bulb manufacture, since 1964.
As the website expands, slightly edited:

Many, many years ago, a small boy had a dream -- a dream which became a life's work. With no high school diploma and no further formal education, Robert (Bob) Kyp was a dreamer, a tinkerer, who liked taking things apart, analyzing their workings, and fixing things. At 16 years old, Bob began working in a factory making carbon filament lamps. The experience he gained in that job and tinkering of his own, eventually led to his own company (Kyp-Go), and a US Patent for an oscillating carbon filament bulb.
Kyp-Go was founded in 1964. The business initially was operated in Glen Ellyn, Illinois, then moved to West Chicago, and then to St. Charles, Illinois where the business remained until 1992 (for 20 years). During the early years, Bob partnered with his two brothers, Jim and Tom to grow and further develop the business. In 1992, Bob moved to DeLand, FL and brought the business with him. We believe Kyp-Go to be the only manufacturer of carbon filament bulbs in the United States.
The experiments that got him started in the business continued - Bob was in his shop every day pursuing new ideas.

Apparently just released, at a preview party Chicago August 16 2012
For the Love of his Lamp
A documentary about famous American inventor Robert (Bob) Kyp and his carbon filament light bulbs, directed by his granddaughter Quinlan Kyp-Johnson (her website, more videos and artwork).

Bob and Quinlan
Trailers, Film Sections
The documentary includes this Facebook archive 2 minute history of lighting, up to early light bulb making
A good 2 minute trailer about Bob and his light bulb making
A 3 minute trailer focusing on how others have used his invention
Finally 18 minute documentary demo, with most of the above included
Alternatively since the original post, via Youtube:
Video clips and more information also available from the specific Vimeo video site or the Facebook pages for the documentary and MaLoRo production company.
Funding appeal and background description also on
To let you know, they are still going. Relatives and other employees are still running the business, for now anyway.
Don't know about the regulations.
Their specifications don't include brightness /lumen rating.
yes ironically if the bulbs are dim enough they are still legal...
Post on US Regulation absurdity about it
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