February 23, 2012
H. 3735
Introduced by Reps. Loftis, Chumley, Neilson, Hamilton, Sandifer, J.R. Smith, Whitmire, Thayer, Corbin, Clemmons, G.M. Smith, Hardwick, Hearn, Barfield, White and Viers
To whom was referred a Bill (H. 3735) to amend the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Chapter 12 to Title 39 to enact the "South Carolina Incandescent Light Bulb Freedom Act" so as to provide, etc., respectfully REPORT:
That they have duly and carefully considered the same and recommend that the same do pass:
W. GREG RYBERG for Committee.
Unreported even in the local media, was the favorable passing of the South Carolina H.3735 light bulb freedom bill in the Senate Labor Commerce and Industry Committee where it had been sitting since April 2011 (bill summary).
It now passes to the Senate chamber for a final vote.
As covered in the recent extensive post about the bill, it is perhaps the most interesting of the outstanding local state bills.
because the bill is far advanced, and since Republicans have a majority (27 of 46 seats) in the Senate it seems certain to go through to the Governor:
It easily passed 76-20 in the House that has a 76-48 balance to the Republicans - and it is a divisive issue in a year with sees (in November) elections to both House and Senate.
because SC has the bulb manufacturing, and it's a small independent outfit, less subject to major manufacturer and federal pressures.
The American Light Bulb Company in Mullins SC made the simple incandescents right up to 2012 and are "fired up" against the ban, as also covered in the previous post.

At the time the bill was launched it was remarked in local media how silent her office was on the issue. Her campaign issues have nothing on energy or environment.
She is said to be a "staunch conservative republican", but the same is said of Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, who did not sign their bill, while of course another one, Rick Perry of Texas, did.
Updates on the 10 US state freedom light bulb bills (legislated Texas) can be seen on
May be delayed in the readings process.
There are a few senators seeking to delay it.
Is there an update on this? Has the Gov signed this into law yet?
thanks joshua
not to my knowledge...
not sure why.. probably due federal funding ban leaving federal situation a bit unclear
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