If energy needs to be saved, there are good ways to do it.
                                                               Government product regulation is not one of them

Monday, June 27, 2011

Michigan Launches Ban Repeal Bill


// Also a July Update of this //

More states are waking up to the fact of the looming federal ban...

As informed by Rep. Tom McMillin and the Right Michigan organization,
he has launched a bulb ban repeal bill in the Michigan House of Representatives with 27 early co-sponsors, although as yet unreported either by news media or Michigan Legislature press releases.

Bill extract:

The legislature finds all of the following:

(a) An incandescent lightbulb that is manufactured in this
state without the inclusion of parts, other than generic or
insignificant parts, imported from outside of this state and that
remains within this state has not entered into interstate commerce
and is not subject to congressional authority to regulate
interstate commerce.

(b) Basic materials, such as unmachined and unshaped steel and
glass, are not incandescent lightbulbs and are not subject to
congressional authority to regulate incandescent lightbulbs in
interstate commerce in as if the basic materials were actually
incandescent lightbulbs.

(c) Congressional authority to regulate interstate commerce in
basic materials does not include authority to regulate incandescent
lightbulbs manufactured in this state from those basic materials.

There are as seen issues of Federal v State regulation:
It played a part in the earlier veto by Arizona Governor Jan Brewer of their bill,
but subsequent bills in different states have taken that aboard,
and been phrased accordingly, at least in some cases after communication with the Attorney General's office.

News of the passing of the Texas bill into law was posted earlier.
Updates on other bills here (http://ceolas.net/#li01inx).


Jim Kress said...

Great start! Have you informed the Michigan GOP about this yet? What about US Congressional Reps. Justin Amash and Tim Walberg?

Lighthouse said...

Jim, I guess the Michigan politicians will inform about it locally, but will let others who are working to repeat the ban know about it...